Artificial Turf

With landscapes in Nanaimo trending towards more low maintenance designs in recent years, artificial turf can be a great addition to a modern landscape which is functional and stays looking great all year round.

Generally we are asked about artificial turf for small to mid size areas due to the cost. There are a variety of grades from putting greens to pet friendly that we have to choose from. If done correctly you can expect your lawn to last a lifetime.

The most important part of the artificial turf installation is making sure we get a 4” compacted gravel base, properly levelled for adequate drainage. After the turf is laid out and cut, a durable edging (benderboard/wood/concrete) is installed along with nails every 6” on the edges. The last step is applying an infill sand which is swept in to keep the blades erect, protects the turf fibres and backing material as well as weighing everything down.

How much does artificial turf cost in nanaimo?

While the initial cost may be expensive, over the years the cost should balance itself out due to savings on maintaining a traditional lawn. While every job is different, average costs for projects which require excavation should be $18-22/sq foot for large areas (750-2000 square feet) or between $22-35/sq foot (100-750 square feet).

We use a trusted local Nanaimo supplier to source our turf and believe they only deal in the best available product. Please contact us to get a free quote.

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